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University of Pennsylvania
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DW_LOAD_STATUS Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(20)
May be null? yes
The name of the script that, when run, loads the data for a specific data collection.

For example, the script_name for the Student job is 'dwmsst_scr'.


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes
Date and time that the script started, the last time it was run.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes
Date and time that the script finished, the last time it was run.

Indexed - no
Format - VARCHAR2(1)
May be null? yes

A code that indicates whether the job has completed, and if so, if it completed successrully without errors. A code of 0 means the job is done and there were no errors.

   NULL = job still in progress
   0 = successful completion
   2 = failure

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania