Data element |
Definition |
Booking_Entrystatus Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Status of the booking (Booking Entry_Status) |
Bookingid Indexed - yes Format - Number May be Null? N | Unique Identifier |
Bookinglinktypeenum Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | |
Bookingtypeid Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | |
Checkindate Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | Check-in date |
Checkoutdate Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | Check-out date |
Comments Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(4000) May be Null? Y | |
Datecreated Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | |
Datemodified Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | |
End_Bookingreasonid Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | |
Entryid Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Entry Unique Identifier |
Eta Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The time the student checked-in HH:MM |
Etd Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | The time the student checked out HH:MM |
Housekeepingid Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | |
Roomlocationfixed Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(40) May be Null? Y | |
Roomlocationid Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | |
Roomrateid Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | |
Roomspaceid Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Roomspace Unique Identifier |
Roomtypeid Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | |
Start_Bookingreasonid Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | |
Termsessionid Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | |