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GF_TOTAL_ALLOCATION_V Table . Tables and Data Elements . Grad Funding Home . Data Warehouse Home

GF_TOTAL_ALLOCATION_V Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - Number
May be Null? Y

Foreign key to the tables with allocation data: GF_ALLOCATION_ORIG, GF_ALLOCATION_CHARGE, GF_ALLOCATION_STIPEND


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(240)
May be Null? Y

Desctiptive text of the allocation type (e.g., Service/Non-Service), from the GF_ALLOCATION_TYPE table


Indexed - no
Format - Number
May be Null? Y

For stipends, this comes from is the sum of the Budgeted_Amount in GF_ALLOCATION_STIPEND, summed per Allocation_ID, Allocation_Type, and term for the student.

For allocations covering charges, this is the Sum of the Derived_Amount from GF_ALLOCATION_CHARGE, summed per Allocation_ID, Allocation_Type, and term for the student.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(24)
May be Null? Y

The academic term in Banner format (YYYYTT, where TT is: 10 = spring, 22 = summer1, 24 = summer2, 30 = fall). Part of the record key for this table.


Indexed - no
Format - Number
May be Null? Y

For stipends, this is the Fiscal_Year from GF_ALLOCATION_STIPEND.

For charges, this is derived from the Banner_Term in GF_ALLOCATION_CHARGE.


Indexed - no
Format - Char
May be Null? Y

This column will be either "STIPEND" or "CHARGES" indicating whether the view is getting the data from GF_ALLOCATION_STIPEND or GF_ALLOCATION_CHARGE.


Indexed - no
Format - Number
May be Null? Y

The academic year being funded.

This column comes from either the Funding_Year in GF_ALLOCATION_STIPEND, or the Year in GL_ALLOCATION_ORIG.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(240)
May be Null? Y

The name of the package, if applicable. See GF_FUNDING_PACKAGE.


Indexed - no
Format - Number
May be Null? Y

Generic counter for the years, starts with 0 and will contain records up to the max years allowed for the package. This value, combined with the entry year of the student, will ensure that the correct plan for a given year is created correctly.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(32)
May be Null? Y

The Penn_ID of the student being funded.


Indexed - no
Format - Varchar2(240)
May be Null? Y

Derived from Stipend_Name in GF_STIPEND_TYPE. (decodes the Stipend_Type).

Examples: Ben Franklin Summer, Nursing TA Stipend, Physics & Astronomy Basic Package, etc.

GF_TOTAL_ALLOCATION_V Table . Tables and Data Elements . Grad Funding Home . Data Warehouse Home

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania