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The GF_ALLOCATION_FUNDING_SOURCE table provides the appointment org, account group id, and account group name associated with the account that is providing the funds for an allocation. This table also indicates which terms (fall, spring, summer 1, summer 2) the funding covers.

Common Usage examples

  • Find the account group that is funding a particular allocation or allocations.
  • Show funding account group name on an allocations report.

Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables

and notes
  • A Funding Source can span two or more terms. Use the columns "Covers Fall", 'Covers Spring", "Covers Summer 1", or"Covers Summer 2" when querying for funding sources of Allocations Charges in specified terms. Values in the "Covers..." columns are T/F.


  • The Grad Funding online system
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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania