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Lists object codes and their rollups according to the Responsiblity Center Management model. Threre is one row for object code, description and three levels of rollups (each with related description and parent object code). Only object codes that have previously been used in General Ledger transactions are represented in the table. RCM_OBJECT_TREE is derived from the GL_REPORT_TEMPLATE table, and is updated nightly during the week.

The "Revised RCM Model" was developed cooperatively by the Comptroller's Office and the Budget Office with extensive input from senior financial administrators from across the University. It reconciles long-standing management principles with changes made since the advent of the present General Ledger accounting structure, and documents common agreement on aggregation of funds and objects codes in budgets and financial reports, and measurement of operating performance and changes in financial position. Please refer to the Office of the Comptroller website for more information about Responsibility Center Management, including specifics about fund code and object code aggregations which apply to the RCM templates.

Common Uses
Determing balances for RCM Row, Category or Summary levels to foot to rows in BEN Financials 20X or 21X reports.

Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables















  • While the complete RCM template (as implemented in BEN Financials reports and the Revenue / Expense Inquiry function) allows for a hierarchy of many levels for a particular object code type, RCM_OBJECT_TREE is derived from the GL_REPORT_TEMPLATE table to facilitate reporting by an abbreviated hierarchy. For example, the highest level available (the RCM_CATEGORY) for a salary expenditure would be either "Academic Salaries" or "Non-Academic Salaries", while in the full template the highest level is "Total Compensation" (of which "Academic Salaries" and "Non-Academic Salaries"are subcategories).
  • RCM_OBJECT_TREE only contains records for object codes represented in the Responsibility Center Management model (RCM_TEMPLATE_1A, in particular), either in their own right, or as a component of a parent object represented on the model. In addition, it only contains rows for object codes that have been used in General Ledger transactions. Object codes that have been planned to be used in the template, but which have not yet been used in transactions, will not appear in RCM_OBJECT_TREE until they are used in a GL transaction.
  • Lines of sequence greater than 1580 in the RCM Templates employ use of additional program logic which is executed at the time the report is generated to display calculations such as Other Cash Effect, CarryForward and Prior Year Cash Position. Line 1600 (Other Cash Effect) has been represented in the Data Warehouse by parent object code K112, which allows you to group object codes together to arrive at the Cash Effect total. Note that this does not take in to account special point in time logic for open periods in the way that the BEN Financials reports do. Similarly, the logic for lines higher than 1600 is not stored in the template itself, so those lines can not reliably be replicated in the Warehouse without special handling in a query.
  • If you want to report on budget and/or actual balances at the report outline level of detail (similar to a BEN Financials 21X report), roll up balances to the RCM_ROW, RCM_ROW_DESCRIPTION, or RCM_ROW_PARENT_OBJECT. If you want more summarized results, use RCM_CATEGORY, RCM_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION, or RCM_CATEGORY_PARENT_OBJECT (similar to a Pillar 206 report). If you want results summarized even further (similar to a BEN Financials 20X report), use RCM_SUMMARY, RCM_SUMMARY_DESCRIPTION, or RCM_SUMMARY_PARENT_OBJECT.
  • To find balances for K-parent objects, regardless of use in the RCM template or sort order, users can perform an ad hoc query using the PARENT_OBJECT_CODES table (the FINQUERY universes "Par Object Code P" class). Business Objects users may make use of an object called "Par_Obj_1st_Char" which, when used as a condition (='K'), will return only K-parents
  • The BEN Financials 211 report (which uses RCM_TEMPLATE_1C to report on Sponsored Project funds) has an "Active Fund" flag. Unless you screen on the fund status (using FUND_STATUS/ Status) in the Warehouse, you'll see results for all funds, both active and inactive. To replicate a BEN Financials Active Status of 'Y', set the FUND_STATUS/Status condition = 'A'.
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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania