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FINQUERY Repository Reports

Encumbrances by Org

This report uses a subquery to look in the GL Detail table for open encumbrances by PO, and retrieves encumbrance transactions for all POs where total encumbrance amount is greater than $1. It has prompts for fiscal year and org, and displays data with breaks on org, fund and object, and then totals (with lines for all payments) by PO.

Keep in mind that the fiscal year prompt means that items that were not finally closed by the system from previous fiscal years or other hanging encumberance numbers won't appear. You can remove or change the fiscal year prompt to show data from other years.

This report works well when used in concert with the online GL Inquiry in BEN Financials, allowing you to see what comprises the online encumbrance balance, without having to run a BEN Financials report.

Query 1 with FINQUERY

  • Result Objects:

    GL Detail: Vendor Name, PO Number, Trasaction Date, Accounting Period, Sum Encumbrance Amount, COA Org, COA Object, COA Fund

  • Conditions:

    Ficsal Year = prompt : ('Enter Fiscal Year:')

    COA Org IN LIST prompt: ('Orgs in list (separate by ;)

    PO Number IN LIST subquery:

    • Result Object: PO Number
    • Conditions:

      Ficsal Year = prompt : ('Enter Fiscal Year:')

      COA Org IN LIST prompt: ('Orgs in list (separate by ;)

  • COA Object > 5200

    Sum Encumbrancce Amount >= 1

Report Variables

  • title="Encumberance Report by ORG"&"for fiscal year "&UserResponse("Query 1 with FINQUERY" ,"Enter Fiscal Year:")&", Org(s): "&UserResponse("Query 1 with FINQUERY" ,"Orgs in list (separate by ;):")

To import this file for your own use:

  1. Log on to Business Objects.
  2. From the File menu, click "Retrieve From", and then "Corporate Documents".
  3. Click on the name of the file you'd like to retrieve, and then click the Retrieve button (or, right-click and select Retrieve into to save the file in another location than the default UserDocs directory).
  4. You may choose whether to open the document upon retrieval.

Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Comments & Questions

Penn Computing University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania