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University of Pennsylvania
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Contains information supplied on the Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) Request Form related to Interfolio appointment, reappointment, and promotion cases.

Common Uses

Reviewing information from a Request Form associated with an RPT case.

Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables

  • Once the review and approval related to a case are complete in Interfolio, the most current information about faculty positions can be found in the DWHCM.HCM_POSITION table, with data about faculty appointments found in the DWHCM.HCM_ACAD_APPOINTMENT table. Each of these tables is updated nightly from Workday.
  • IFRPT_FORM_REQUEST_V includes only the last form submission for a given case.
  • You can access an IFRPT_FORM_REQUEST_V row only if you are authorized to access data for the organizational unit associated with the position associated with the application.
  • The IFRPT_FORM_REQUEST_V table can be found in the DWFAC schema.


Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT), in use at Penn since July 2019.

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania