Note: This table is no longer updated, following the retirement of the Faculty Information System (FIS) and the implementation Interfolio@Penn and Workday@Penn in July 2019.
This table contains records of each leave of absence (LOA) credit transaction.
Common Uses
Displaying details (credits accrued, used, borrowed) about LOA credit transactions.
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- Although net credit balances are not aggregated and stored in FIS, they may be calculated using data is the FIS_LOA_CREDIT table as follows. Note that although Credit_Accrued, Credit_Used and Credit_Borrowed are stored in FIS_LOA_CREDIT, they should be used only as components in the Net Credit calculaton below, and do should not be used to determine credits accrued/used/borrowed over time.
- Total Credits Accrued: When determining the credits accrued for a faculty member, sum all records in the Credit_Accrued column except when the Event_Type_Cd ='3'.
[Credits accrued in LOA actions with Event_Type_Cd ='3' are used to represent the balance at the effective start date of the LOA, but they should not be used to determine total credits accrued.]
- Total Credits Used: When determining the credits used for a faculty member, sum all records in the Credit_Used column. Credits used is represented with positive integers, but if determining the net credits for a faculty member this value should be deducted from the credits accrued.
- Total Credits Borrowed: When determining the credits borrowed for a faculty member, sum all records in the Credit_Borrowed column..
Credits borrowed is represented with positive integers, but if determining the net credits for a faculty member this value should be deducted from the credits accrued.
- Net Credits (LOA Balance): Subtract Total Credits Used and Total Credits Borrowed from Total Credits Accrued (i.e,.:
=Total Credits Accrued - Total Credit Used - Total Credits Borrowed).
Note: The net credits (LOA Balance) reflects approved actions with start dates in the future.
- This table contains a history of all LOA credit actions for all faculty. In order to determine to which action the LOA credit record applies, join to FIS_ACTION using ACTION_ID.
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