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Data element | Definition |
ACADEMIC_BASE Indexed - no Format - number May be null - yes |
This field is not in use. |
The individual's date of birth, as initially entered into the Faculty Information System (FIS). |
The 2-character IRS tax rate grouping indicating the employee's country of citizenship, as initially entered into the Faculty Information System (FIS). |
Indexed - no |
The creation date of the record. |
Indexed - no |
The Penn ID of the person who created the record. |
Indexed - no |
The individual's date of death, as entered into the Faculty Information System (FIS). |
Indexed - no |
The 4-digit number that represents the organization responsible for the employee's primary academic job appointment. Information source is FIS as input on the faculty screen. For cases where the individual has a primary academic appointment, the DEPARTMENT_CODE will reflect the proposed department for the related FIS action. |
Indexed - no |
A numeric code indicating the individual's ethnicity, as entered into FIS. Use this to join to the FIS_ETHNICITY_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the ethnicity description. This field should not be used for reporting. |
Indexed - yes (primary key) |
A unique system identifier assigned to each unique faculty member in the FIS_FACULTY table. This number is not used in other data collections, and should not be used for reporting. |
Indexed - no |
A numeric code indicating the individual's sex, as entered into FIS. Use this to join to the FIS_GENDER_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the gender description (e.g., Male, Female). |
HOSPITAL_AFF_CD Indexed - no |
Indexed - no |
The 6-digit Payroll Job Class code for the faculty member. Refer to associated Job_Title column in DWADMIN.JOB_CLASS to find the title which currently corresponds to the Job_Class. For cases where the individual has a primary academic appointment, the JOB_CLASS_TITLE will reflect the proposed job class for the related FIS action. |
Indexed - no |
The Joint/PIK appointment department code in the non-administering school. |
Indexed - no |
The Joint/PIK appointment school name of the non-administering school. |
Indexed - no |
The date/time when the record was last updated. |
Indexed - no |
A numeric code indicating the individual's marital status, as entered into FIS. Use this to join to the FIS_MARITAL_STATUS_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the marital status description (e.g., Single, Married, Divorced, Widow or widower, Unknown). |
Indexed - no |
The first name of the individual, as initially entered into FIS. |
Indexed - no |
The last name of the individual, as initially entered into FIS. |
NAME_MIDDLE Indexed - no |
The middle name of the individual, as initially entered into FIS. |
Indexed - no |
The name prefix (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Dean) of the individual, as initially entered into FIS. |
Indexed - no |
The name suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., III) of the individual, as initially entered into FIS. |
Indexed - no |
This field is not in use. |
Indexed - no |
This field is not in use. |
Indexed - no |
The Action_ID of the action identifying the individual's Primary Academic Appointment (PAA). The logic used to determine an employee's FIS primary academic appointment is documented in the cautions for this table, at https://provider.www.upenn.edu/computing/da/dw/faculty/fis_faculty.t.html. |
PAA_MAN_FL Indexed - no |
A Yes/No field to indicate if this the Primary Academic Appointment has been manually designated. |
Indexed - no |
The 8-digit identification number assigned to the individual by the Penn Community system. |
Indexed - no |
The two character code that represents the specific school or center to which the Department_Code belongs.
Information source is FIS as input on the faculty screen. For cases where the individual has a primary academic appointment, the SCHOOL_CODE will reflect the proposed school for the related FIS action.
Example: 40 (School of Medicine) |
Indexed - no |
The start date of the tenure probationary period |
Indexed - no |
A numeric code indicating the tenure status, as determined by PSC. Use this to join to the FIS_TENURE_STATUS_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the status description (e.g., Granted, Restricted, Under final consideration, Denied). |
Indexed - no |
For faculty members, the date when the Tenure_Status is expected or was attained. For Clinician-Educators, this information is used for tenure tracking. |
Indexed - no |
This field is not in use. |
Indexed - no |
This field is not in use. |
Indexed - no |
This field is not in use. |
Indexed - no |
The date the record was last updated. |
Indexed - no |
The Penn ID of the person who last updated the record. |
Indexed - no |
The 2-character code that indicates the type of visa held by an employee who is not a U.S. citizen.
Values: F1 Student F2 Spouse or child of student H1 Temporary worker of distinguished merit and ability H2 Temporary worker performing services unavailable in this country IM Immigrant J1 Exchange visitor J2 Spouse or child of exchange visitor O1 Individual of extraordinary ability in the sciences, education, business, athletics or the arts O2 Accompanying workers Q1 International cultural exchange SP Substantial presence TN Treaty of NAFTA
Indexed - no |
For employees who are not U.S. citizens, the date of the first of the month when the visa expires, as originally entered into the Faculty Information System (FIS). |