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FIS_ACTION Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - number (12)
May be null - yes

The type of appointment.



Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The date that Affirmative Action information pertaining to this action was approved.


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The date that Affirmative Action information pertaining to this action was received in the Provost Office.


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(18)
May be null? yes

All But Dissertation flag. Indicates a prospective assistant professor in the final stages of completion of the doctorate appointed as Lecturer C.

Indexed - yes (primary key)
Format - number
May be null? no

The unique identifier on each action. This value is assigned by the FIS system and is not visible from the application interface. It is intended solely for the internal use in the system.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(250)
May be null? yes

Any miscellaneous notes associated with an action.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? no

A numeric code indicating the salary level for the action, as stated in the minute.Use this to join to the FIS_APPT_SALARY_LEVEL_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the associated description (e.g., Full, Partial, or Without).

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(60)
May be null? yes

Indicates which language key template is used by this action. The templates are used to produce the text minutes which are used for the Trustees Meetings.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? no

A numeric code indicating the type of action. This is part of what determines which type of language key will be used to build the text minutes.Use this to join to the FIS_ACTION_TYPE_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the associated description.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The actual end date of the appointment.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The appointment end date proposed in the PSC minute.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? no

A numeric code indicating the benefits level granted this action as stated in the minute.Use this to join to the FIS_APPT_BENEFIT_LEVEL_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the associated description (e.g., Full, Partial, or Without).

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(150)
May be null? yes

Additional information pertaining to the appointment benefits level.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? yes

A numeric code indicating whether an appointment is a primary appointment, secondary appointment, joint (lead), or a joint (non-lead) appointment. Use this to join to the FIS_APPT_CLASSIFICATION_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the associated description (e.g., Primary, Secondary, Joint (administering), Joint (non-administering), PIK (administering), PIK (non-adminstering), Not applicable).

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(200)
May be null? yes

The discipline of the action. This may be the same as the department description initiating the action. In certain cases the discipline will include the subspecialty (e.g., Psycholgy in Psychiatry).

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(20)
May be null? yes

Indicates a department which is providing the funding for an appointment, if that department is different from the appointing department.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(20)
May be null? no

A numeric code indicating the rank as used in the text minutes. Use this to join to the FIS_APPT_RANK_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the job class code description.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

This field is not in use.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(150)
May be null? yes


This field is not in use.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The appointment start date proposed in the PSC minute.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? no

The length of time of the action given in months.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(200)
May be null? yes

Additional information pertaining to the appointment term.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? yes

A numeric code indicating the appointment track associated with the proposed action, as used in the text minutes.Use this to join to the FIS_APPT_TRACK_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the track description (e.g., Associated Faculty, Standing Faculty, and Standing Faculty C-E).


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(200)
May be null? yes

Additional information pertaining to the Chair designations.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(100)
May be null? yes

The title of the Chair designation.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? no

A numeric code indicating the type of Chair.Use this to join to the FIS_CHAIR_TYPE_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the track description (e.g., Department, Endowed, Endowed Term, Term, Endowed-PIK).

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? no

Used to denote the date on which a contingent action has all of its contingencies satisfied.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

Numeric key used to join the action to the meeting ID.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The date of the conversion to tenure.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

A numeric code indicating the reason for a correction to the actionr.Use this to join to the FIS_CHANGE_REASON_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the reason for the change (e.g., Change in previously approved minute, Change in the effective date,
Change in the period of appointment, Correction).


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? no

The creation date of the record.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(12)
May be null? no

The Penn ID of the person who created the record.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(12)
May be null? no

The department that initiated the action. The 4-character code that represents the organization.

Examples: 0702 (Wharton Finance); 0705 (Wharton Legal Studies)


Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? yes

A numeric code indicating the appointment discipline (used only in conjunction with certain departments).Use this to join to the FIS_DISCIPLINE_LIST table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the discipline name.



Indexed - no
Format - char(2)
May be null? no


Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes

A Yes/No field used to indicate if this emeritus faculty member will use the emeritus job title. Applicable only to 'Emeritus' action type.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

Used to reference actions in external systems sharing data with FIS.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? no

A unique system identifier assigned to each unique faculty member in the FIS_FACULTY table. This number is not used in other data collections, and should not be used for reporting.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(1)
May be null? yes

A Yes/No field used to indicate if the appointment is dependent on funding.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(18)
May be null? yes

The 6-digit Payroll Job Class code for the action. Refer to associated Job_Title column in DWADMIN.JOB_CLASS to find the title which currently corresponds to the Job_Class.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

The Joint/PIK appointment administering school benefits percentage. The pecentage of the benefits to be paid by the administering school.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

The Joint/PIK appointment administering school salary percentage. The pecentage of the salary to be paid by the administering school.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(20)
May be null? yes

The Joint/PIK appointment rank in the non-administering school.Use this to join to the FIS_APPT_RANK_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the job class code description.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(12)
May be null? yes

The Joint/PIK appointment department code in the non-administering school.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(200)
May be null? yes

The Joint/PIK appointment discipline in the non-administering school.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

The Joint/PIK appointment non-administering school benefits percentage. The pecentage of the benefits to be paid by the non-administering school.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

The Joint/PIK appointment non-administering school salary percentage. The pecentage of the salary to be paid by the non-administering school.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(12)
May be null? yes

The Joint/PIK appointment school name of the non-administering school.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

The Joint/PIK appointment University benefits percentage. The pecentage of the benefits to be paid by the University.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

The Joint/PIK appointment University salary percentage. The pecentage of the salary to be paid by the University.

Indexed - no
Format - timestamp(6)
May be null? no

The date/time when the action was last updated.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(250)
May be null? yes

The name of the institution where leave of absence is being taken.

Example: Brookings, NYU, Harvard, Chicago


Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? no

The faculty member's balance of leave credits at the time that the action was proposed. This field does not update the LOA table used to calculate balances for reporting purposes.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? no

The number of credits borrowed for this LOA action, as stated in the text minutes.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? no

The number of credits used for this LOA action, as stated in the text minutes.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

This field is not in use; refer instead to the end date of the appointment itself.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(250)
May be null? yes

Additional information pertaining to the leave of absence.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

This field is not in use; refer instead to the start date of the appointment itself.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? yes

A numeric code indicating the status of the leave of absence.Use this to join to the FIS_LOA_STATUS_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the status description (e.g., Current, Future, Historic, Pending).

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? no

A numeric code indicating the type of the leave of absence.Use this to join to the FIS_LOA_TYPE_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the status description (e.g., Medical, Scholarly, Compressed Scholarly, Employment, Elsewhere, Administrative).

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The latest date by which such faculty member shall be reviewed for purposes of a timely tenure decision.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The requested meeting date for an action.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? yes

A numeric code indicating the military branch associated with ROTC actions.Use this to join to the FIS_MILITARY_BRANCH_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the military branch description (e.g., US Navy, US Marine Corps, US Marine Corps Reserve, Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps).

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(3000)
May be null? yes

The text format of minutes as presented to Board of Trustees. Text minutes were formerly used in agendas and minutes for PSC and PSCS prior to 9/2006.

Note: Minutes may included HTML markup used for display in the only FIS application. For a plain text version of the minute, refer to DWFAC.FIS_PLAIN_MINUTE_V.PLAIN_MINUTE.


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(30)
May be null? no

The first name of the individual, as displayed for the particular action.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(30)
May be null? no

The last name of the individual, as displayed for the particular action.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(30)
May be null? yes

The middle name of the individual, as displayed for the particular action.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(4)
May be null? yes

The name prefix (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Dean) of the individual, as displayed for the particular action.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(25)
May be null? yes

The name suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., III) of the individual, as displayed for the particular action.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(1)
May be null? yes

A Yes/No field indicating acceptance of the offer letter related to a given action.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The date of acceptance of the offer letter related to a given action.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The date of promotion. Applicable to all faculty and staff in the FIS database.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(1)
May be null? yes

A Yes/No field used to indicate whether approval by PSC or PSCS is required.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? yes

A numeric code indicating the reducation in duties reason. Use this to join to the FIS_REDUCTION_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the code description (e.g., serious illness or injury, child care, elder care, faculty anticipating a move to emeritus status).

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

This field is not in use; refer instead to the end date of the appointment itself.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

The percentage reduction in duties. Values are formatted as whole number (e.g., 50% reduction entered as 50).

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

This field is not in use; refer instead to the start date of the appointment itself.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(20)
May be null? yes

A Yes/No field to indicate if this appointment is reemployment beyond retirement.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(1)
May be null? yes

A Yes/No field to indicate if this appointment is a reinstatement.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

The Action_ID of the related action (if any).

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(12)
May be null? no

The two character code that represents the specific school or center to which the Department_Code belongs.

Example: 40 (School of Medicine)


Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? yes

A numeric code indicating the status of the action. Use this to join to the FIS_ACTION_STATUS_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the status description (e.g.,
Draft, Under audit review, Returned to school for action, Approved for PSC/PSCS submission, Scheduled for meeting, Action deferred, Action declined, Action approved).

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The last update date of the action status.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? yes

A numeric code indicating the reason for granting extension of the tenure probationary period. Use this to join to the FIS_TENURE_EXT_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the status description (e.g., Childbirth, Caring for family member, Personal illness, Reduction in duties, Trustees Resolution of 6/17/2005).

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

The percentage of reduction in duties in relation to the provision given for extension of the tenure probationary period.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(250)
May be null? yes

Additional comments pertaining to tenure.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? yes

This field is not use.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The start date of the tenure probationary period

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? yes

This field is not use.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

Date that the tenure probabtion was extended.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

The percentage of reduction in duties in relation to the provision given for extension of the tenure probationary period.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

For faculty members, the date of the first of the month in which their tenure review period begins.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

For faculty members, the year in which the tenure review must be completed. For Clinician-Educators, this information is used for tenure tracking.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? no

A numeric code indicating the tenure status, as determined by PSC. Use this to join to the FIS_TENURE_STATUS_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the status description (e.g., Granted, Restricted, Under final consideration, Denied).

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

For faculty members, the date when the Tenure_Status is expected or was attained. For Clinician-Educators, this information is used for tenure tracking.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(1)
May be null? yes

A Yes/No field used to indicate that the action is for a terminal year reappointment.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The University is required to give a one year notice in the form of a letter. This field is to verify/document date of receipt of this letter by the recipient.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? no

A numeric code indicating the reason for termination. Use this to join to the FIS_TERMINAT_REASON_CD_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the status description (e.g., Position Discontinued, Lack of Funding, Completion of Contract, End of Appointment).

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(1)
May be null? yes

A Yes/No field used to indicate if the action has been approved by the Trustees.

Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes

Unique identifier of the Trustees meeting to which the action was assigned.

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? no

The date the record was last updated.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(12)
May be null? no

The Penn ID of the person who last updated the record.

Indexed - no
Format - number(12)
May be null? yes

A numeric code indicating if the appointment in the action is granted voting rights. Use this to join to the FIS_VOTING_RIGHTS_CODE_LOOKUP table on the MESSAGE_ID field. The NAME_FRIENDLY column contains the status description.

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