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WORK_REQUEST_PHASE_EXTRA_PO Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The date on which the purchase order was created.

Facility Focus source: ae_i_poe_e.po_date


Indexed - no
Format - number(16,4)
May be null? yes
The amount that was disbursed against the purchase order.

Indexed - yes
Format - number(16)
May be null? no

The code for the purchase order number used in Facility Focus.

Facility Focus source: ae_i_poe_e.po_num


Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(25)
May be null? yes

The corresponding purchase order number in BEN Financials.

Facility Focus source: ae_i_poe_e.po_code


Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(15)
May be null? no

Phases define the tasks and costs involved in performing the requested work. Each phase is associated with one trade or housekeeping shop. Although not mandatory, phase one should occur before phase two, and so on, as a logical way of ordering the steps in a job. The number of phases in a single work request is unlimited.

Facility Focus source: ae_p_phs_e.sort_code


Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(70)
May be null? yes

The explanation of the task required for each particular phase.

Facility Focus source: ae_p_phs_e.phsdsc


Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(20)
May be null? yes

The status of the purchase order.

Facility Focus source: ae_i_poe_e.status_code


Indexed - no
Format - date
May be null? yes

The purchase order status date.

Facility Focus source: ae_i_sta_e.status_date


Indexed - no
Format - number(16,4)
May be null? yes

The total amount of the purchase order.

Facility Focus source: ae_i_poe_e.ord_total


Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(40)
May be null? yes

The vendor name as used in BEN Financials.

Facility Focus source: ae_i_poe_e.condsc


Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(15)
May be null? yes

The vendor number as used in BEN Financials.

Facility Focus source: ae_i_poe_e.contractor


Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(15)
May be null? no

The unique number for the work request. It is the number the customer will receive, via email from a FRES customer service rep, letting him/her know that the work has been approved and is going to be placed on a schedule. It remains with the work request through its life.

Facility Focus source: ae_p_pro_e.proposal


Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(40)
May be null? yes

A description of the situation. For example, ‘my bathroom sink is clogged’. If this is a request for chargeable work, the account that is being charged is also in this field.

Facility Focus source: ae_p_pro_e.title

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University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania