Data element |
Definition |
All_Concentrations Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | Flag indicating whether or not a change to a major should apply to all concentrations related to that major. |
Change_Impact Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | Indicates whether or not the proposal is for a significant change to a program. Values are: 1 -- Miscellaneous change to major/minor
2 --
Significant change to major/minor
Cl_Program_Code Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | Code for the program being proposed, in CourseLeaf format. |
Degree_Name Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | Text descriptive name for the Degree associated with this Program proposal. |
Department Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | Code for the academic department associated with this Program proposal. |
Effective_Catalog Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | The academic catalog in which this program, if approved, will take effect. |
Last_Refresh_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The last date that this record was refreshed from the source. |
Latest_Action_Date Indexed - no Format - Date May be Null? Y | The last date an action was recorded on this proposal. |
Legacy_School Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | The school associated with this Program proposal, in legacy SRS format. |
Optional_Minor Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | |
Path_Id_Number Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | Internal CourseLeaf identifying number, for locating the record in the source system. |
Program_Code Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | Third party software's code for the program. This typically is an amalgam of the school code - degree code - ending with the text "Major" or "Minor". Note: this is specific to the Curriculum Management data from CourseLeaf -- it is not, and should not be confused with, the Banner Program Code used in NGSS Pennant Records. |
Program_Curr_Prop_Id Indexed - yes Format - Number May be Null? N | Primary key to the warehouse table. System-generated. Internal; does not come from the source. |
Program_Title Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | Title being proposed for the program. If the program being proposed/changed is for a Major, the code for the related degree is typically included in the text of the title. If the program being proposed/changed is for a Minor, the word "Minor" is typically included in the text of the title. |
Program_Type Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | Indicates whether the proposal is for a change to a Major (which can include concentrations), or Minor. |
Proposal_Id Indexed - no Format - Number May be Null? Y | Internal Data Warehouse identification number for the proposal. Used to join this table to other tables in the Curriculum Management data collection. |
Rationale Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(4000) May be Null? Y | Text comment describing the intellectual rationale for why this program is being proposed, and how it fits within the overall curricula offered by the school that will own the program. |
School Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(800) May be Null? Y | Code for the school associated with this Program proposal. |
Special_Considerations Indexed - no Format - Varchar2(4000) May be Null? Y | |