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University of Pennsylvania
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ASSET_LOCATIONS Table   Tables and Data Elements   Assets Home    Data Warehouse Home

ASSET_LOCATIONS Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition

Indexed - yes
Format - number(15)
May be null? no
The unique system identifier for an asset.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(15)
May be null? no
The unique identifier for an asset.

Indexed - yes
Format - date
May be null? no
The date the record was extracted from BEN Assets, the Oracle Fixed Assets system, and loaded into the Data Warehouse.

Indexed - yes
Format - varchar2(30)
May be null? yes
The building associated with the location. Building codes originate in the FacilityCenter system.



Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(50)
May be null? yes
The building-floor-room code combination of the location.

Indexed - no
Format - char(1)
May be null? yes
Indicates whether the location may be used in BEN Assets transactions.

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(30)
May be null? yes
The floor associated with the location. Floor codes originate in the FacilityCenter system. If there is no floor associated with the location, a value of 'N/A' will appear in this field.



Indexed - yes
Format - number(15)
May be null? no
The unique system identifier for the location of the asset unit(s).

Indexed - no
Format - varchar2(30)
May be null? yes
The room associated with the location. Room codes originate in the FacilityCenter system. If there is no room associated with the location, a value of 'N/A' will appear in this field.



Indexed - no
Format - number
May be null? yes
The number of units currently associated with the asset for the location.

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania