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AR_APPLICATION Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition



Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

The allocated receipt amount for this application.



Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

The total amount of the application in the currency of the receipt and transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (15)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The Accounting Period stated in MON-YY format.

MON is the calendar month (stored in upper case), and YY is the calendar year. Note that the beginning and ending dates of an ACCOUNTING_PERIOD are not the same as the first and last day of the calendar month. Example: JUL-96 (July 1996, which occurs in fiscal year 1997).


Format VARCHAR2 (2)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The month (or accounting period) of the fiscal year.

This field is used for sorting. Examples: 01 (July); 11 (May). See also FISCAL_YEAR


Format VARCHAR2 (4)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The financial year.

Penn's fiscal year begins July 1 of one calendar year and ends June 30 of the next calendar year. Example: 1997 (fiscal year that began July 1, 1996, and ended June 30, 1997)


Format DATE

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The date the application is accounted for in the General Ledger.


Format DATE

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The date the application is posted in the General Ledger.


Format VARCHAR2 (150)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

An alphanumberic reference number for this application whose context is determined by the APPLICATION_REF_TYPE column's value.


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

A alphanumberic identifier used to specify the reason for this application whose context is determined by the APPLICATION_REF_TYPE column's value.


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

An alphanumberic application reference type code that determines the context for the APPLICATION_REF_NUM column.


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

A alphanumberic identifier used to specify the status of this application.


APP - Applied
UNAPP - Unapplied
ACC - On-Account
UNID - Unidentified
ACTIVITY - Receivable Activity
OTHER ACC - Other Receipt Application


Format VARCHAR2 (20)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

An alphanumeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the application type.

Values: See the Oracle Electronic Techincal Reference Manual for the list of line types.


Format DATE

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The date of the application.


Format VARCHAR2 (15)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The Accounting Period stated in MON-YY format.

MON is the calendar month (stored in upper case), and YY is the calendar year. Note that the beginning and ending dates of an ACCOUNTING_PERIOD are not the same as the first and last day of the calendar month. Example: JUL-96 (July 1996, which occurs in fiscal year 1997).


Format VARCHAR2 (2)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The month (or accounting period) of the fiscal year.

This field is used for sorting. Examples: 01 (July); 11 (May). See also FISCAL_YEAR


Format VARCHAR2 (4)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The financial year.

Penn's fiscal year begins July 1 of one calendar year and ends June 30 of the next calendar year. Example: 1997 (fiscal year that began July 1, 1996, and ended June 30, 1997)


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The BBR_AWARD_NUMBER associated with this transaction.

The BBR_AWARD_NUMBER is stored in the Invoice Transaction Flexfield when a transaction related to the GMS draft invoice is created in the BEN Blling and Receivables AR module.

Although this is named "PROJECT NUMBER" on the DFF it is actually the award number. If more than one award is related to this transaction, such as may be the case with a deposit transaction, then this field will be null.


Format VARCHAR2 (4)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The organization responsible for the proposal associated with this transaction.

The AWARD_ORGANIZATION is stored in the Invoice Transaction Flexfield when a transaction related to the GMS draft invoice is created in the BEN Blling and Receivables AR module.

Although this is named "PROJECT ORGANIZATION" on the DFF it is actually the award org. Contains award org as of the time of the transaction. If more than one award is related to this transaction, such as may be the case with a deposit transaction, then this field will be null.


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

Registry ID for the Customer funding the proposal associated with this tranasaction.

This value corresponds to the BBR_CUSTOMER_REGISTRY_ID field on the AR_CUSTOMER table in the BEN Billing and Receivables collection in the data warehouse.


Format NUMBER (15)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the project event associated with this transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (15)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the award installment associated with this transaction.



Format VARCHAR2 (25)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The 6-character fund code associated with this transaction.

A fund is the unique identifier for a specific set of financial resources that needs tracking or management. FUND_CODE is the fourth segment of the Accounting Flexfield.

Values: Refer to the FUND_CODES table for values.



Format CHAR(4)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The 4-character code that identifies the organization responsible for the fund associated with this transaction.

To facilitate Organization-based security, BBR_PROJECT_ORG_CODE is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Values: Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The alphanumeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the receipt associated with this transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (25)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The alphanumeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the project task associated with this transaction.


Format NUMBER (15)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to uniquely identify the cash receipt asssociated with this application.


Format VARCHAR2 (26)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

The seven segment values that comprise the 26-position Accounting Flexfield.

The segments are COA_CNAC, COA_ORG, COA_BC, COA_FUND, COA_OBJECT, COA_PROGRAM, and COA_CREF. Example: 40042274525799519120021438. See also COA_CNAC, COA_ORG, COA_BC, COA_FUND, COA_OBJECT, COA_PROGRAM, and COA_CREF.

Values: List of values not available.


Format VARCHAR2 (1)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The budgetary control character that represents the level at which funds availability checking occurs.

COA_BC is the third segment of the Accounting Flexfield. Examples: 1 (CNAC/ORG/FUND Year-To-Date); T (All Funds Checks).

Values: 0 Project-to-Date for capital projects 1 CNAC/ORG/FUND Year-To-Date 2 CNAC/ORG/FUND/CREF Year-To-Date 4 CNAC/ORG/FUND/CREF Project-to-Date A Funds Check parent of 1 B Funds Check parent of 2 D Funds Check parent of 4 T All Funds Checks


Format VARCHAR2 (3)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The 3-character center Net Asset Class (NAC) code.

The first two positions of the COA_CNAC identify the school or center. The last position identifies the Net Asset Class: 0 (Unrestricted); 1 (Temporarily Restricted); 2 (Permanently Restricted). COA_CNAC is the first segment of the Accounting Flexfield. Example: 880 (Medical center, Unrestricted)

Values: Refer to the CNAC_Codes table for values.



Format VARCHAR2 (4)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The 4-character Center Reference code.

This is an identifier uniquely defined by each school or center. COA_CREF is used to record information that is important to a school or center but is inappropriate for any other segment of the Accounting Flexfield. The value of the center Reference code is unique within a school or center. COA_CREF is the seventh and last segment of the Accounting Flexfield. See the definition for CENTER_REF_CODES / CENTER_REF_CODE. Examples: 4045 (Graduate Programs); 4091 (SAS Newsletter)

Values: Refer to the center_REF_CODES table for values.


Format VARCHAR2 (6)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The 6-character fund number.

A fund is the unique identifier for a specific set of financial resources that needs tracking or management. COA_FUND is the fourth segment of the Accounting Flexfield. Examples: 000000 (General Unrestricted Fund); 010201 (SAS: GEN FUND 1)

Values: Refer to the FUND_CODES table for values.


Format VARCHAR2 (4)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The 4-character OBJECT code.

Identifies the asset, liability, revenue, or expense. COA_OBJECT is the fifth segment of the Accounting Flexfield. Examples: 5220 (EXTERNAL OFFICE SUPPLIES); 1149 (CASH SUSPENSE)

Values: Refer to the OBJECT_CODES table for values.


Format VARCHAR2 (4)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The 4-character ORGANIZATION code.

This is a subdivision of the University created for management purposes. An ORGANIZATION belongs to only one responsibility center, and its ORGANIZATION code is unique. That is, no two ORGANIZATIONs will have the same values for COA_ORG. COA_ORG is the second segment of the Accounting Flexfield. Examples: 0702 (Wharton Finance); 0705 (Wharton Legal Studies)

Values: Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.


Format VARCHAR2 (4)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The 4-character PROGRAM code.

This is an activity or work process commonly defined across the University for tracking a PROGRAM's activity across schools and centers (or across organizations within a school or center). COA_PROGRAM is the sixth segment of the Accounting Flexfield. Examples: 7311 (Alumni Relations); 0001 (Discretionary)

Values: Refer to the PROGRAM_CODES table for values.


Format VARCHAR2 (4)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The 4-character code for the organization responsible for managing the fund.

Many organizations may use the same fund, but only one organization -- the COA_RESPONSIBLE_ORG -- is accountable for managing the fund. Those who are authorized to access records for the COA_RESPONSIBLE_ORG for the fund may access all records for the fund, regardless of the value of the COA_ORG in the COA_ACCOUNT for the record. Examples: 0011 (NYC Penn Club); 0215 (French Institute).

To facilitate Organization-based security, COA_RESPONSIBLE_ORG is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null.

Values: Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.


Format VARCHAR2 (2000)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

User entered comments associated with this application.


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

A numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the customer.


Format NUMBER (15)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

The number of days after the payment due date that this payment was applied.



Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

The total discount amount for this application.


Format DATE

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The date the transaction line record was extracted from BEN Billing and Receivables and loaded into the Data Warehouse.

This information is stored in the Warehouse in date format. In Business Objects, it is displayed as specified in the desktop operating system settings. It is recommended that users specify a date format that includes 4 digits for the year.



Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

Line amount applied.


Format VARCHAR2 (40)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

The numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the location of the bill to customer associated with this application.

This value corresponds to the BBR_BILL_TO_LOCATION_ID field on the AR_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_SITE table in the BEN Billing and Receivables collection in the data warehouse.


Format VARCHAR2 (5)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? Yes

The 5-character numeric code that uniquely identifies the agency that was asked to fund the proposal.

Codes less than or equal to 599999 were assigned to the sponsor by InfoEd (the vendor of the PennERA software). Codes greater than or equal to 60000 were assigned to the sponsor by the Office of Research Services.

Values: Refer to the PENNERA_SPONSOR Table for values. PennERA source (assuming the proposal record has been opened in the Proposal Tracking module): any screen for the proposal; the Proposal Header (unlabelled, stationary section at the top of the screen); the sponsor code for the sponsor named on the second line of the Proposal Header text (SPONSOR_CODE is not shown)


Format NUMBER (15)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to uniquely identify the application.



Format DATE

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

The date the application is reversed in the General Ledger.


Format VARCHAR2 (20)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

The transaction class code for the transaction.

Values: INV (Invoice) CM (Credit Memo)



Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to uniquely identify the transaction.


Format NUMBER (15)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

The numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to uniquely identify the transaction line.



Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

A numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the transaction line.


Format VARCHAR2 (20)

Indexed? Yes

May be Null? No

A numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the transaction.

The TRX_NUMBER coupled with the TRX_SOURCE uniqely identify the transaction. Transactions from different sources may have the same TRX_NUMBER.


Format VARCHAR2 (50)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The name of the batch source in BEN Billing and Receivables that created the transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (20)

Indexed? No

May be Null? Yes

The name of the transaction type for the transaction.

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University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania