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AR_DUNNING Table - Data Element Index

Select a data element to view its definition and its indexed, format, and null values.

Data element Definition


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The alphanumeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to uniquely identify the proposal. An Award Number is associated with only one INSTITUTION_NO. INSTITUTION_NO is the eight-digit sequence number used by the University to uniquely identify the proposal. For a given record, BBR_AWARD_NUMBER will not have the same value as the proposal's INSTITUTION_NO.


Format CHAR(4)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The 4-character code that identifies the organization responsible for the proposal associated with this transaction. To facilitate Organization-based security, BBR_AWARD_ORG is set to '.' if it would otherwise be null. Values: Refer to the ORG_CODES table for values.


Format NUMBER (15)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to uniquely identify the dunning transaction.


Format DATE

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The date the dunning was last updated.


Format DATE

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The date the delivery history was last updated.


Format NUMBER (15)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

A numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the dunning notice.


Format NUMBER (15)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to uniquely identify the transaction


Format VARCHAR2 (20)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

A numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the transaction. The TRX_NUMBER coupled with the TRX_SOURCE uniqely identify the transaction. Transactions from different sources may have the same TRX_NUMBER.


Format VARCHAR2 (50)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The name of the batch source in BEN Billing and Receivables that created the transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (80)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The dunning level of this dunning transaction. Values: Account Bill To Customer Delinquency


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

An alphanumberic identifier used to specify the dunning level of this dunning transaction. Values: BILL_TO CUSTOMER ACCOUNT DELINQUENCY


Format DATE

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The creation date of the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction.



Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The amount due remainng on the deliquency associated with the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

A message indicating the delivery status of the dunning notice assocaited with this dunning transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The method used to send the dunning notice assocaited with this dunning transaction.


Format NUMBER (10)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to uniquely identify the dunning plan associated with this dunning transaction


Format VARCHAR2 (240)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The name assigned to the dunning plan associated with this dunning transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (80)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The dunning plan type of this dunning transaction. Possible values are "Days Overdue" if dunning is based on days that items are past due, or "Staged Dunning" if dunning is based on dunning levels.


Format VARCHAR2 (30)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

An alphanumberic identifier used to specify the dunning plan type of this dunning transaction. Values: BILL_TO CUSTOMER ACCOUNT DELINQUENCY



Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The amount of the finance charge for this dunning notice.



Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The interest amount charged for this dunning notice.


Format VARCHAR2 (80)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The preliminary status of the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction. Values: Draft Final


Format VARCHAR2 (10)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

An alphanumberic identifier used to specify the preliminary status of the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction. Values: DRAFT FINAL


Format VARCHAR2 (5)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

A message indicating whether the dunning notice associated with this dunning ransaction has been previewed. Values: Yes No


Format NUMBER (15)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

A numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the original dunning notice if the current notice is a "resend".


Format VARCHAR2 (80)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The status of the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction. Values: Open Closed


Format VARCHAR2 (240)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

An alphanumberic identifier used to specify the status of the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction. Values: OPEN CLOSE


Format VARCHAR2 (120)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The name of the document template used to create the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction.


Format NUMBER (15)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

A numeric identifier used internally by the BEN Billing and Receivable system to identify the XML publisher template used to create the dunning notice asscoiated with this dunning transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (80)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The document type of the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction. Values: Attachment - PDF Attachment - RTF Attachment - XLS Inline


Format VARCHAR2 (80)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

An alphanumberic identifier used to specify the document type of the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction. Values: ATTACHMENT WORD EXCEL INLINE


Format VARCHAR2 (40)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The delivery status of the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (240)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The delivery failure reason for the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (75)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The delivery status of the invoice copy associated with this dunning transaction.


Format VARCHAR2 (2000)

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The delivery destination of the dunning notice associated with this dunning transaction.


Format DATE

Indexed? No

May be Null? No

The date the transaction header record was extracted from BEN Billing and Receivables and loaded into the Data Warehouse. This information is stored in the Warehouse in date format. In Business Objects, it is displayed as specified in the desktop operating system settings. It is recommended that users specify a date format that includes 4 digits for the year.

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania