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The Detail Code table contains all of the detail codes used at Penn, along with their description, and a variety of indicators and attributes of the detail code, such as a flag indicating whether the code is active or not, the ageds receivables category of the detail code, a charge-or-payment indicator, a direct deposit indicator, effective dates, etc.

For more information about Detail Codes and how they function, see the Detail Code mapping on the Pennant Plus section of the Pennant access and training website.


Common Usage examples

  • Find the text description for the Detail Code used on transactions.

Primary Key Indexed Data Elements Related Tables

  • Even though multiple subcodes can map to one detail code, the mapping back from the detail code to the BRS subcode will point to the "primary" subcode. See the BANNER_DETC_TO_BRS_SUBCODE mapping table.


  • The Pennant Accounts (Banner) system
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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania