Academic Year |
An Academic Year includes three terms, Summer, Fall, and Spring (e.g. Academic Year 2011 includes 2010B, 2010C, 2011A) |
Applicant (or App) |
An individual who has fulfilled the school and/or program requirements for a “Submitted” application. |
Application Term |
At the time of application, the term in which the applicant intends to matriculate |
Admitted Student (or Admit) |
An Applicant who has been granted an offer of acceptance |
Acceptance |
An Admitted Student who has accepted an offer of admission. |
Cohort Entry Year |
The graduate admissions cohort entry year includes three terms: Summer, Fall and Spring. Cohort Entry Year 2011 includes 2011B, 2011C and 2012A. |
Matriculation Term |
The term in which an individual plans to matriculate; for the majority of individuals, the Application and Matriculation Terms are identical; for individuals who elect to defer matriculation, the Matriculation Term is later than the Application Term |
Matriculant (or Matric) |
An Admitted Student who intends to matriculate during an Application Year regardless of when the student accepted an offer of admission (includes defer-ins, excludes defer-outs) |
Defer-out |
An Admitted Student who has accepted an offer of admission and intends to matriculate but has elected to change his or her original matriculation term to a future term |
Defer-in |
A Deferred Matriculant who was admitted for a prior Application Term, but who deferred matriculation to the current Matriculation Term |
Enrolled Student (or Enrollee) |
A Matriculant who has an enrollment record in SRS and is registered for greater than zero credit units for a Matriculation Term |
PhD Cohort |
The group of first-time, full-time PhD students enrolled in one of the Graduate Groups for an Academic Year; each cohort is subsequently tracked by its PhD Cohort |
Calculation of Admissions Metrics |
In all cases, Applicants, Admits, and Accepts should be counted using the original Application Term, regardless of whether they defer to a later Matriculation Term. When individuals defer they should not be counted again as an Applicant/Admit/Accept in the later term.
Matriculants should be counted using the Matriculation Term.
The Office of Institutional Research groups apps by terms falling in an Academic Year. The Provost Office reports use Cohort Entry Year. Both definitions include Summer, Fall and Spring in the groupings; the Academic Year names the year by the year of the Spring term, whereas the Cohort Entry Year names the year by the year of the Fall term.
Number of Apps |
Count of all individuals who fulfilled the school and/or program requirements for a “Submitted” application. An applicant should only be counted in the original academic year/cohort entry year, and not counted again, even if they defer to a later matriculation year. |
Number of Admits |
Count of all individuals who were admitted and have an Application Term in their original academic year/cohort entry year, regardless of when these individuals actually intend to matriculate |
Number of Accepts |
Count of all Admits with an Application Term in the original academic year/cohort entry year who have accepted an offer of admission, regardless of when these individuals intend to matriculate |
Admit Rate |
Admit Rate = Number of Admits divided by Number of Apps
Acceptance Yield Rate |
Acceptance Yield Rate = Number of Accepts divided by Number of Admits |
Defer-ins |
Count of all Admits who were admitted prior to the current year, but who intend to matriculate in the current year |
Defer-outs |
Count of all Admits originally admitted in the current year but who intend to matriculate in a future year |
Adjusted Number of Admits |
Adjusted Number of Admits = Number of Admits plus Defer-ins minus Defer-outs |
Number of Matrics |
Count of all Admits with a Matriculation Term in the current academic year/cohort entry year, regardless of when these individuals applied for admission and/or were admitted
Number of Matrics = Accepts plus Defer-ins minus Defer-outs |
Matric Yield |
Matric Yield = Number of Matrics divided by Adjusted Number of Admits |
Number of Enrollees |
Number of Matrics who are registered for greater than zero credit units on Census day |
“Melt” Rate |
Melt Rate = (Number of Matrics minus Number of Enrollees) divided by Number of Matrics |