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Graduate School Admissions - Admissions Supplement

Admissions Supplement
The Admissions Supplement is a web-based application that provides school admissions offices with the following tools:
Menu items functions description

Find test scores

Manage test scores

manage test score information

Find test scores for an applicant, and map scores received from external sources, such as Educational Testing Services (ETS) with the appropriate applicant_id in Penn's Graduate Admissions data collection.

Test scores often cannot be automatically mapped to applicants because there is no common identifying number between the ETS data and Penn's admissions systems. The tool in the Admissions Supplement allows schools do the matching manually.

Data Warehouse reports about standardized tests will not include unmapped score data.

Standard codes

Map non-standard codes

View and download standard codes, and manage non-standard codes

All graduate admissions offices are expected to use standard set of codes for the Core Data Set. This includes things like Country Code, State Code, Visa, etc. For schools that use AY, these codes are included in the pick-lists of each client. For schools not useing AY, the data from the school's system may need to be modified to make sure it is in compliance with the statndard codes.

School-specific codes for Admit decision and Accept decision can be maintained via a mapping tool in the Admissions Supplement.

Data Warehouse reports can be compromised by un-mapped data. Also, admitted students with un-mapped data cannot be loaded to SRS,.

Upload application spreadsheets

Spreadsheet requests

Upload data to the Data Warehouse, view uplaod errors, and access datasets previously uploaded.

For schools that do not use AY, this tool provides the mechanism for getting admissions data into the Data Warehouse from an Excel spreadsheet, using the template specified for each school

The templates for loading non-AY data to the Data Warehouse include only the minimum dataset, as prescribed by the Core Data Standards.

Application statistics standard report on applications uploaded to the Data Warehouse

For school that do not use AY, this tool shows a basic report with the Entrance Year and Term, # of applicants, # of admits, and # of accepts.

The Data Warehouse contains these data for all schools -- AY and non-AY.

Update SRS mapping View and manage the mapping of programs to SRS codes

For AY schools, this tool provides the mechanism for associating admissions programs to the corresponding codes used by the Student Records System (SRS). Whenever a new program is introduced in AY, it must be mapped to the appropriate SRS codes.

Data Warehouse reports can be compromised by un-mapped data. Also, admitted students with un-mapped data cannot be loaded to SRS,.

Access to the Admissions Supplement is granted only to school representatives who manage their graduate admissions systems. Security is school-based. Additional information for Penn graduate school admissions officers is available in Confluence

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Information Systems and Computing
University of Pennsylvania
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Penn Computing University of Pennsylvania
Information Systems and Computing, University of Pennsylvania